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Meeting Manchester!
So maybe you don't know the guys too well, or maybe (if we're lucky) you've got an insane crush on one of us and you desperately want to get to know us... well here is something to ease your appetite!

OOOOPS! There is that hot girl again, my bad ---->

Name: Jamie

Position in the band: I am really just the do-whatever-guy because Fred plays lead acoustic, bass, and does some vocals. So I also do a bunch of vocals and I play the acoustic so that's me... at least I'm not the roadie.

Best band memory? I gotta say any of the outings to the local 7-11 to get mountain dew and slurpees. All the girls I get aren't bad either (... in my dreams, only in my dreams).

Favorite Performer: I am a huge fan of Tom DeLonge from Blink-182, I want his guitar. His style of play is what I want to capture and his lyric writing, especially in Box Car Racer talks to me a lot, did I mention that I met Tom?

Favorite Band: Well duh... BLINK-182! I also am big into Box Car Racer, New Found Glory, Green Day, Good Charlotte, Fenix Tx... and Third Eye Blind (old school!).

Band you really want to see: I want to see blink again, and I want to see dashboard confessional along with Weezer. Uh I want to go to Warped Tour again (I went in DC last summer), that's always a great time.

If you could have any equipment added to your set, what would it be? A Tom Delonge Strat, and a Marshall stack coupled with some Mesa Boogies. Those two are a great combination because you get the high's and low's from each.

Music volume, loud or soft: Depends on the mood, sometimes I just like to listen to some Dashboard or jazzy DMB kinda stuff when I am depressed, but then with Blink... you can never play that soft.

Favorite thing to wear: I love T-shirts (independent, element, etc.), I love cargo shorts (low-rider!), my UCF hat, and last but not least... BLACK shoes! I have Sambas and Adios so take your pick, I love them both.

Is there someone you really want to punch? Well let's see. He lives in Mississippi... enough said! Ooops I hope I didn't offend anyone by saying that, my bad.

Favorite childhood show: Like Fred, I grew up on Sesame Street, but in elementary school I was all about GI Joes, Rescue Rangers, Tail Spin, and Duck Tales. Those shows rocked, I’ll still watch re-runs if I get a chance. Heck I’ll still watch Sesame Street if its on!

Coolest moment in you're life? Well I have been blessed I think, I've had a lot of cool moments. Winning the city soccer championship in 8th grade and scoring the tying goal to send the game into overtime was killer. Um draining the buzzer-beating shot against Crooms this past season was unbelievable. Any of the million times me and Fred have just done funny crap. First kiss, becoming a Christian, and meeting Blink-182!

Favorite Movie: Any Star Wars movie, The Matrix, Finding Forrester, and Good Will Hunting... I like movies in general too... with the exception of movies in the American Pie/Not Another Teen Movie/Undercover Brother genre (wastes of money).

Favorite Food: Well if you ask my close friends, they'll tell you anything in the junk food category and they're probably right. I love McDonald's; BK just doesn't do it for me. I love candy, slurpees, Mountain Dew, and Ice Cream.... what Fred? You mean my favorite REAL food? Ohhhh well in that case I guess I like pizza, shrimp, and Chinese food in general!

Hottest Girl Around: Oh man Natalie Portman of course!! (Hot hot hot!)

Shout outs: Well I'm not going to shout right now because my voice hurts... anyhoo. First off God, thanks for everything I have. Hey to Fred and J-Cool, thanks for putting up with my crappy guitar (ala tom delonge) and my random pick dropping! Alanna, KT, and Sara... you guys are great friends, you keep me in line! My family (all of you, well maybe not the gopher, stay real), Chuck and Alisha, TGS SENIORS!, Emily (my padawan learner), Jamie & Alyssa up in PA (keep in cool in NE!), and last but not least to my sweetness! You know who you are and I love you! I got to say I've never had so much going to get ice cream ;-)... rock on everyone!Psalm 16:1...

Fred Tidsma!
Name: Fred Tidsma

Position in the band: Um, it depends on the song, but I play bass and acoustic guitar, and I sing.

Best band memory? I'd have to say every time that I write lyrics that I think are really cool, and then I show them to someone, and that person thinks my lyrics are cool too.

Favorite Performer: Vocals - Stephen Jenkins(Third Eye Blind) and Joel (Good Charlotte). Bass - Arion Salazar (Third Eye Blind), Mike Dirnt (Green Day) and Jim Fitzgerald. Acoustic Guitar - Dave Matthews and Chris Carrabba (Dashboard Confessional). Electric Guitar - Billy Joe Armstrong (Green Day) and Tom DeLonge (Box Car Racer) And why the heck not...Drums - Carter Beauford (Dave Matthews Band) and Travis Barker (Box Car Racer)

Favorite Band: Third Eye Blind. With Weezer, Dave Matthews Band, Good Charlotte, Green Day, and Box Car Racer not far behind.

Band you really want to see: Weezer, New Found Glory, Good Charlotte (again), Green Day (again), and Dave Matthews Band (again).

If you could have any equipment added to your set, what would it be? Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray Bass, some sort of a half stack at least, and some cheap electric guitar and amp so that I could mess around with some distorted sounds, and play some decent punk covers.

Music volume, loud or soft? Loud as all get out.

Favorite thing to wear: NAKIE! What's that? I have to wear clothes? Damn... ok well then, Levi's Silvertab Baggy Jeans, and my Independent shirt, my snap bracelet, my fork, along with some Adidas Moves cologne.

Is there someone you really want to punch? Well, not at the moment, but the person that I most recently wanted to punch was myself, for doing something really, really stupid and dumb.

Favorite childhood show? Sesame Street when I was really little. But I don't know about when I was older.

Favorite Movie? The five Star Wars movies, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, and The Emperor's New Groove.

Favorite Food? Steak, Macaroni and Cheese, Pizza, and Fettuccine Alfredo (yes, that is the correct spelling).

Coolest moment in your life? I'd have to say every time I go out with my girlfriend, Sara.

Hottest Girl Around? Natalie Portman

Shouts outs: Greenie, Jamie, J-Cool, My family, Ghetto (Chuck, D-Rich, and Coleslaw especially), CPC youth, and anyone who has ever lent me money and didn't make me pay them back.

Name: J-Cool

Position in the band: I'm the drummer, the one who keeps the band together while playing on the corner and not getting many good shots on TV.

Best band memory? Definitely the mountain dew.

Favorite Performer: Cyrus Bolooki (New Found Glory), Travis Barker (Blink 182, Box Car Racer), and Carter Beauford (Dave Matthew's Band).

Favorite Band: New Found Glory, Box Car Racer, Green Day, Weezer, Sum 41, Good Charlotte, Third Eye Blind, Blink 182, Dave Matthew's Band, and a bunch more.

Band you really want to see: New Found Glory.

If you could have any equipment added to your set, what would it be? How 'bout I just get a whole new one: OCDP custom 5-piece drum kit with a vented snare, Zildjian A and K custom cymbals and drumsticks, and Drum Workshop hardware (which only adds up to about $6,000)...yeah, that would be nice.

Music volume, loud or soft: It really depends on the mood and style of whatever you are listening to or playing.

Favorite thing to wear: Clothes, like t-shirts, shorts, jeans, and shoes. I don't really do the nude look.

Is there someone you really want to punch? Give me a few hours and it will be my sister.

Favorite childhood show: I like the Power Rangers when I was little. I was into all the transforming and fighting stuff. I also liked Mr. Rogers ("Please won't you be my neighbor").

Coolest moment in you're life? I guess I'm not as blessed as Jamie is, but I'll have to agree with him on one thing: becoming a Christian.

Favorite Movie: Star Wars (any one), The Emperor's New Groove, and The Matrix.

Favorite Food: Pizza.

Hottest Girl Around: Natalie Portman. But that girl that keeps popping up is pretty hot too.

Shouts outs: God, Fred, Jamie, Sara, my family, the roadie for bringing us drinks, and anyone who has bought or chipped in for any drum stuff that I have now.

