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Inside the Project
When writing our lyrics we really want to convey deep emotion and feeling. I want to express the pain and joy that I have felt at different times in life through my words and maybe help others at the same time! That's our goal, when you read or hear an MP lyric, it is coming from inside us.

Running Boy
The Box Car Racer "running boy" conveyes emotion in itself. Look at this picture and think about this. Is that boy running TO something, or AWAY from something? Is he running to something in JOY or running away in FEAR? Something to chew on...
  Second Chance (copyright 2002)
This was actually the first Manchester Project song written and performed!
* * *
I wish I could change the past
I wish I could make things last
I wish I could make this right
I wish I could change your mind... tonight

But you don't care
And you won't dare
To give me a second chance
All I ask is for a second chance

I wish that you would stay
I wish just for another day
I wish you would understand
I wish I knew God's plan... I do

But you don't care
And you won't dare
To give me a second chance
All I ask is for a second chance

We could just call it fate
Or say that it's too late
But I would like to say
That I am sorry

Words by Jamie
Music by Jamie and Fred

The Inside on Skimp Gopher
NOTE FROM EDITOR: Be prepared for horrible spelling, grammar, and general babble and stupidity. It has recently come to our attention that Skimp dropped out and never received a 6th grade education, please forgive him. Us in the band felt so sorry for him that we decided to give him the esteemed position of "Our Roadie" in order to give him a second chance at life.

Name: Skimp Gopher

Position in the band: i have the very esteemed positon in the band. i feel that if it wasn't for me the band wouldn't be complete. it's the roadie that really completes a band. i mean who else would carry the instruments and have the cheapest excuse for backstage passes told to them and hey who else has the dumbest job but get's the best seat in the house

Best band memory? hmmm.... i am going to have to go with the spiderman movie the night i went w/ sarah and leah. yea that movie kicked some serious ass(i am allowed to cuss right, or is this like jeb's profile? if i am not... ignore that... it uh kicked Butt). Yea and then waiting for leah's dad to take us home. he was late. and it was cold outside(kinda breezy). it was nice, but good times never last, mine ended all to resently. yea

Favorite Performer: <> uh... blink 182 never says anything bout there roadie and uh nobody elses does either.... hey wait a minute... it's because i am white isn't it, i knew it is b/c i am white.... gosh

Favorite Band? i am going to have to go with good charlotte guys

Band you really want to see: N 'SYNC!!!!!! uh sorry that was some lil girl that took my mind in control w/ like telepathy or something, sorry bout that, uh probally blink 182, i love it when girls want to be blinked!!

If you could have any equipment added to your set, what would it be? hey equipment would be nice, i want a seat taht says skimps or skimypgiant on it or skipygopher(of course u'll do this one) and then i want a cup holder that is specially made to hold mountain dew cans

Music volume, loud or soft?uh... lemme think.... loud?

Favorite thing to wear? adidas or like hurley or like uh whatever is in my droar?i can't spell sorry
Is there someone you really want to punch? yea, whoever dnny is, i haven't met him but i already hate him, and uh, anthony, i met him he's a fag and to think he had to the nerve to ask sarah out!!

Favorite childhood show? G.I. Joe

Coolest moment in you're life? i dunno, i think seeing all the lhhs football squads together in one weightroom screaming to encourage people on is pretty awesome so much intensity in one place was awesome, but in my life, that's hard, lemme get back to you

Hottest Girl Around? natalie portman and anna kournakova

shouts outs: to all the people who think they know me, to all the people who think i am hot, to all the people who i ocunt as a friend, to all the people who laugh when i tell them i play football, b/c one day they are going to see me play and go, "OOPS", and uh to my mom, yea

Want more Natalie?

Sara's Song (Miss You) [copyright 2002]
I wish you were here with me
But soon enough that time will come
It's just this waiting that I really can't take
'Cause I think that you might be the one

I've got so many questions in my life
And so much stuff I need to sort through
Sometimes I don't know where I should turn
Or sometimes even what I should do

But I know that you're in my life
And I know that you're something good
I just wish some light would be shed
On what I should do
Yeah I really wish it would

Words and Music by Fred
Title provided by Jamie

Ghost (copyright 2002)
Just a ghost, just a ghost,
Am I really such a ghost,
That you can't hear me?

I see you in the hall
Your presence is amazing.
Walk by and say hi,
But you don't even hear.

Just a ghost, just a ghost,
Am I really such a ghost,
That you don't even see me?

I see you on the street, and
I wave, but you keep walkin'
Then I'm standin' there,
And I'm left to wonder . . .

Just a spectre in your life,
Is that all I am to you?

Does she even hear me?
Does she even see me?
Does she even know me?
Does she even care?

Just a ghost, just a ghost,
Am I really such a ghost,
That you don't know me?
Just a ghost, just a ghost,
Am I really such a ghost,
That you don't care?

Words by Jamie and Fred
Music by Fred

What Went Wrong? (Blink-182 Cover)
I'm sick of always hearing
All the sad songs on the radio
All day it is there to remind
An over-sensitive guy that he's lost and alone

I hate our favorite restaurant
Our favorite movie, our favorite song
We would stay up all through the night
We'd laugh and you'd smile and never answer the phone

But I can't forgive, can't forget, can't give in
What went wrong? Cause you said this was right
You've ruined my life...

I'm hate always hearing
Sappy love songs on the radio
And this place is cursed and its plagued
And I can never escape when my heart it explodes

So I can't forgive, can't forget, can't give in
What went wrong? Cause you said this was right
You've ruined my life...

I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?